понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

articulation game and activity

ok so I was walking to the bus stop after class and some guy was sitting on the ground with his friends and was all "hay sweet eyes" so I�lolapos;d and kept walking.� Anyway he got onto the same bus as me and was like "sweet eyes can I�get past you"�and sat down lol
Anyway, another guy got on this bus, but this one was even more entertaining.� I�noticed that he had a blue bandanna in his pocket (crip u know~) and he was talking about how he shot someone because they brought a turkey baster to a gun fight.���He was also a drug dealer and was discussing how surprised he was that white people smoke pot.� I�was trying not to lol because I didnapos;t want to get shanked or something, but it was so funny omg.� lol I�love Queens.

bonito flakes, articulation game and activity, articulation game, articulation fristoe goldman result test, articulation for the r sound.

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